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Sante Beauteye Anti-Aging Eye Drops 12ml
Sante Beauteye Anti-Aging Eye Drops 12ml

Sante Beauteye Anti-Aging Eye Drops 12ml
Sante Beauteye 玫瑰眼药水

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Sante Beauteye Anti-Aging Eye Drops 12ml

Sante Beauteye 玫瑰眼药水

Product details:
Sante Beauteye Anti-Aging Eye Drops offer an intense and refreshing feeling. Tired eyes, conjunctival congestion, bleary eyes (increase in eye mucus, etc.), itchy eyes, prevention of eye disease (after swimming, when dust or sweat enters the eyes, etc.), blepharitis (soreness of eyelids), ophthalmia due to light rays such as ultraviolet rays (e.g., snow blindness), discomfort while wearing hard contact lenses
How to use:
2-3 drops of 1 time, please eye drops 5-6 times a day.
Please observe the following precautions.
(1) Excessive use, or feel the unusual glare, you may rather lead to congestion.
(2) If you want to use it in children, please let used under the supervision of their parents.
(3) The container of the previous eyelids, please do not touch the eyelashes. Also, please do not use those cloudy.
(4) Please do not use while wearing soft contact lenses.
(5) Please use only for eye drops.

Sante Beautéye 是一款為想要讓眼睛總是水靈又清澈的顧客準備的眼藥。我們的眼睛每天遭受著各種壓力刺激,如充斥著大量紫外線和廢氣的現代生活環境、 睡眠不足、偏食的生活等。這些影響不斷蓄積,可能會造成眼睛出現不適感等。為了消除疲勞,恢復近乎沒有充血的健康眼睛,Sante Beautéye 將促進眼睛新陳代 謝的牛磺酸和保護角膜、使角膜保持濕潤的硫酸軟骨素鈉以及消除眼內肌肉疲勞的紅 色維生素B12等5種成分以最大濃度配比。
預防眼疲勞、結膜充血、視線模糊(結膜分泌物過多時等)、眼部瘙癢、眼科疾病(如游泳後,灰塵、汗水進入眼睛時等情況)、眼瞼炎 (眼瞼接觸性皮炎)、由紫外線等光線引起的眼部炎症(如雪盲等)以 及佩戴硬性隱形眼鏡時的不適感。

(1) 不可過度使用,如感覺到異常的眩光請停止使用,可能會導致充血。
(2) 如果您想在兒童身上使用,請在父母的監督下使用。
(3) 使用時瓶身請不要接觸睫毛。請不要使用已起霧的眼藥水。
(4) 不要在佩戴軟性隱形眼鏡時使用。
(5) 僅用於眼藥水。