Sante FX NEO Cooling Eye Drops 12ml
Sante FX NEO 银色清凉眼药水
Product details:
Santen FX Neo Cooling eye drops offer an intense and refreshing feeling. Rather than simply restricting the flow of blood to irritated vessels, FX Neo drops restore moisture to the outer layer of the eye. This helps to treat the underlying problem as well.
How to use:
2-3 drops of 1 time, please eye drops 5-6 times a day.
Please observe the following precautions.
(1) Excessive use, or feel the unusual glare, may rather lead to congestion.
(2) If you want to use it in children, please under the supervision of their parents.
(3) The container of the previous eyelids, please do not touch the eyelashes. Also, please do not use those cloudy.
(4) Please do not use while wearing soft contact lenses.
(5) Please use only for eye drops.
Santen 参天Fx Neo银色清凉滴眼液缓解眼部疲劳,随时随地滋润你的眼睛。三大特性,深层呵护眼睛。保护眼睛健康让雅静时刻保持活力。富含维生素营养成分有效缓解眼部疲劳,抵抗紫外线从而改善眼睛血色。温和清凉配方时刻保持眼睛滋润有神。含牛磷酸,激活眼组织新陈代谢。小巧便捷,时刻呵护双眼,缓解眼疲劳,干涩,改善血丝,保持清爽感。适用于上班族,学生,教师,运动员,老人。针对长时间紧盯电脑屏幕,经常玩手机,长时间用眼,熬夜以及经常看电视人群。