Stomachic & Antacid Ohta's Isan 48 Packages
Product details:
Efficacy of the seven types of Ken stomach herbal medicine will be to energize weakened stomach.
The goodness of the components of the herbal medicine will remove the discomfort, such as upset leaning of the stomach? Hangover.
“Ohta’s Isan packing 48 packaging” is, in the coolness of aromatic and L- menthol of herbal medicine, is a gastrointestinal agents to clean the discomfort, such as leaning and hangover of the stomach. The combination of four kinds of antacid agents having different action, to neutralize gastric acid as digestive enzymes most likely works, the food is digested quickly, heartburn, is such as also effective stomach pains. Commitment to the goodness of herbal medicine, was made into a powder form in order to avoid the process as much as possible. Therefore, without even missing the active ingredient, it is excellent efficacy is demonstrated.
草药成分的好处会消除胃部不适等不适吗? 宿醉。
“太田依散包装48包装”是一种以草药的芳香和L-薄荷醇的清凉,清洁胃部不适,如宿醉和宿醉的肠胃药。 四种不同作用的抗酸剂的组合,以中和胃酸作为消化酶最有可能起作用,食物被快速消化,胃灼热,诸如对胃痛也有效。 承诺草药的好处,被制成粉末形式,以尽可能避免这个过程。 因此,即使不缺少有效成分,也证明了其卓越的功效。